Monday, February 17, 2014

Snow and Burnt Cookies and Flying Squirrels

Dear family and friends,
This email might be a little short, because I am exhausted. This morning, we climbed up to the top of the Sainte Victoire with most of our zone. I think one of the only reasons that I got up to the top at the same time as everyone else is because halfway up, we started walking through snow and ice and that slowed everyone down, so I got a chance to rest. It was so beautiful. The reason that we did it is because President Roney told us to bless the ville (kinda rededicate it). So this was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. The way down was covered with ice, so at one point, I just sat down and slide for like 5 minutes straight. At point, I slipped and started tumbling down part of the way down, but I caught myself quickly and I just have a couple small bruises. Because of that, I now have the nickname flying squirrel. ( it doesn't really make sense to me either) And we have just come from that, so I feel very drained. Otherwise this week has been good. We taught Jacqueline twice. Before one of our lessons with her, we tried to make cookies for her, but bothe times we put a tray of cookies in the oven, we forgot about them and they got burnt. We told jacqueline that we burned our cookies that we made for her twice and she laughed and laughed.She then lectured us on how to use the stove and was saying " put it on a lower tempature and then get a chair and sit in front of the stove with a book of mormon to read" I love her so much and she has progressed a lot since we met her. I'm gonna reposer for a moment, but I love you all. Je sais que l'evangile est retabli et je sais que Dieu parle avec ses enfants toujours. Je vous aime!!!!
Soeur Russell

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